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Undergraduate Degree
Solidify your understanding of Chinese culture and TCM

Overview of Undergraduate Degree in Acupuncture

Shulan College Undergraduate Degree programmes are suitable for those looking to gain a degree in TCM with no prior experience required.


An Undergraduate Degree from Shulan College is recognised by hospitals in China meaning that after completion, you will not only be qualified to practice TCM in the UK, you will also be qualified to practice in China. Shulan College is the only UK college that awards degrees in TCM that are recognised in Chinese hospitals.


This programme is especially well suited to those who are looking to dive deep into Chinese culture as students will spend 6 months abroad in China during the final year of study.


If you have any questions or would like an informal chat, please contact us here.

What you will gain

  • A reputable qualification to practise TCM globally including in China

  • Membership of the China-UK TCM Centre

  • Post graduation support including insurance support and Continuous Professional Development

  • Appropriate knowledge to study the Masters/PhD course at Shulan College

White Orchids

Course Overview

Graduation Day























Study format:






Post study:








Accredited by:

5 years (with 6 months study in China)



£5,000 per year​​​



  1. TCM & Western medical literacy and Chinese culture

  2. Chinese language and traditional exercises

  3. Basic TCM theory and clinical skills

  4. Advanced TCM theory and clinical skills 

  5. Practical sessions



​​Proficiency in either English or Chinese language


Aged between 18-65 years old


​​​Non-Chinese citizenship


High school graduate or equivalent qualification​​



​85% lectures (online or in-person, 2 hours per week)


15% practical (in-person only, including​​ final year clinical observation in China)




Receive a Bachelors degree from Chengdu University​


Become part of the China-UK TCM Centre


Practice clinical Chinese medicine globally including in China




Chengdu University


C0urse content

The Shulan College Undergraduate Degree in Acupuncture is a comprehensive TCM course where you will study topics in not only acupuncture, but many other treatment paths including Herbal Medicine and Tuina massage. You will learn key TCM theories and skills that will well equip you for a career in TCM.



Modules covered:

  1. TCM & Western medical literacy and Chinese culture

  2. Chinese language and traditional exercises

  3. Basic TCM theory and clinical skills

  4. Advanced TCM theory and clinical skills 

  5. Practical sessions

See below for a detailed breakdown of each module. Topics listed with a * indicates an optional elective​.​

White Orchids

1. TCM & Western medical literacy and Chinese culture

Image by Sincerely Media
  • Medical English

  • Treatment of Common Clinical Diseases in Modern Western Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • TCM Disease Treatment

  • Overview of Chinese Culture

  • Multicultural Understanding and Experience

  • Climatic and Humanistic characteristics of Britain and Europe

  • Mental Health of College Students*

  • Career and Development Planning*

  • Chinese Medical History*

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice*

  • Doctor-Patient Communication*​​​

3. Basic TCM Theory and Clinical Skills

Image by Mona Mok
  • Basic Theory of TCM

  • Human Anatomy

  • TCM Diagnostics

  • Physiology

  • TCM Herbal Medicine

  • Prescriptions

  • Selected Readings from the Nei Jing

  • Basics of Diagnostics

  • Aesthetic Chinese Medicine*

  • TCM Health Rehabilitation*

  • Medical Imaging*​

  • Ancient Medical Texts*

  • Pathology*

  • Diagnostic Basic Experiments*

  • TCM Four Diagnosis Skills Training*

2. Chinese language and traditional exercises

Practicing Yoga at Home
  • Chinese Language level 1

  • Chinese Language level 2

  • Chinese Language level 3

  • Chinese Language level 4

  • Traditional Exercises level 1

  • Traditional Exercises level 2

  • Traditional Exercises level 3

  • Traditional Exercises level 4

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chinese*

  • Databases and Applications*

  • Medical Statistics*

  • Scientific Research and Methods*​

4. Advanced TCM Theory and Clinical Skills

Acupuncture Tools
  • TCM Internal Medicine

  • Clinical Competency Training in TCM Internal Medicine

  • Meridians and Acupoints

  • Massage Technique​​

  • Typhoidology

  • Febrile Diseases

  • Acupuncture and Moxibustion

  • Massage Therapy

  • Internal Medicine

  • Essentials of the Golden Chamber

  • Acupuncture Therapy

  • Selected Books on Acupuncture and Moxibustion

  • Experimental Acupuncture

  • Selected Essays on Modern Acupuncture Techniques

  • Neurology

  • Further optional electives*

5. Practical Sessions

Students will be required to attend practical sessions in each year of study, including a 6 month placement in China in the final year of study. Please see below for a breakdown of practical sessions per year​.


  • Year 1:  2 weeks Community Medical Internship 

  • Year 2: 2 weeks Community Medical Internship

  • Year 3: 4 weeks Community Medical Internship

  • Year 4: 2 weeks Pre-Job Training

  • Year 5: 48 weeks Graduation Internship in China, see more here

Study Abroad

As part of the five year Undergraduate Degree, students are required to spend 48 weeks in China to complete the Graduation Internship in the final year of study.

To find out more, please contact us here.


More information to come on Study Abroad. Please bear with us as we continue to update the information on our website.

Career in TCM

An Undergraduate Degree from Shulan College is recognised by hospitals in China meaning that after completion, you will not only be qualified to practice TCM in the UK, you will also be qualified to practice in China. Shulan College is the only UK college that awards degrees in TCM that are recognised by Chinese hospitals.


There are many employment opportunities in the TCM industry which Shulan College will help you navigate post graduation. The College will also support graduates in securing insurance to practise.

To find out more, please contact us here.


More information to come on Careers. Please bear with us as we continue to update the information on our website.

White Orchids

Student Testimonials

Dear Dr. Tang,

The six months of study with you have been incredibly helpful and beneficial to me. Thank you for your openness in allowing me to practice diagnosis, fire cupping, and acupuncture.


Without the opportunity to practice in your clinic, I might still feel inadequate. However, I have now overcome my psychological fears. As you mentioned, the next step depends on whether my skills are sufficient, but I am grateful for the qualification you have provided me to pursue a career as a doctor.


If you are free, I would be delighted to welcome you to Beijing.


Wishing you all the best!

Yingying Zhu

Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine

August 20204


Yan Ge




During my two years of study, the classroom atmosphere was always relaxed and harmonious. Dr. Zhou was incredibly generous in sharing his knowledge, leaving no question unanswered. Principal Tang, with her exceptional medical skills and benevolence, taught in a calm and measured manner, ensuring we could absorb as much knowledge as possible during each lesson.


As the Chinese saying goes, “What is learned from books is always shallow; to understand something thoroughly, one must practice it.” This holds especially true for TCM. Drawing on my background in internal martial arts and Dao Yin techniques, and with the meticulous guidance of my teachers, I excelled in acupuncture and tuina (massage therapy). This pragmatic learning laid a solid foundation for my independent medical practice after graduation and helped me successfully establish my own TCM career.

During my studies, I was deeply impressed by the teachers’ integrity and dedication. One time, during class, a patient came for acupuncture and cupping treatment. I took the opportunity to observe the entire treatment process. After finishing, it was already past 2 p.m., but the teacher, without taking a break for lunch, immediately resumed the lecture. I was both moved and greatly inspired by this. From that point on, I rode my bicycle from Timperley to Shulan College every day, rain or shine, never missing or being late for class until I successfully graduated.


In today’s profit-driven world, I believe Shulan College stands out among many TCM schools. It avoids flashy gimmicks or exaggerated marketing and is genuinely committed to promoting and passing on TCM culture, wholeheartedly focused on education.


After learning TCM massage techniques at Shulan College, I gained the skills and qualifications needed to start my own business. I opened a small TCM massage therapy shop in Timperley, which not only enriches my retirement life but also provides treatment services to those in need, particularly patients with chronic conditions.


Currently, most of my clients come through word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, as well as some local takeaway shop owners and British residents. My original intention in opening the shop was to benefit both myself and others, and now the business is on track, allowing me to live a healthy life while earning a modest income.


To those still looking for an authentic, traditional TCM school, I would say that in the UK, Shulan College is your Dream School!

Shuokun Hu




Telephone: 0161 438 2887

Mobile: 07766 165 608

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