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Tuina Massage Diploma

6 Month Course

According to 《HuangDiNeiJIng》 TuiNa (TCM Massage) is one of the five main TCM treatment methods along side of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, GuaSha and Chinese Herbal. TuiNa, Acupuncture and Moxibustion are worked based on TCM body meridian system. Therefore the advance Tui Na can have the same healing effects as Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
推拿疗法是传统中医五种治疗方法之一。《黄帝内经-异法方宜论》阐述了,推拿,针,艾 灸,草药,刮痧,为传统中医的五种治疗方法。在许多疾病上,推拿可以取得与针灸草药同 等的疗效。

Course Details

TuiNa Massage

Our TuiNa course contain following subjects:

  • TCM theory 中医基础理论

This provide you basic understanding of Chinese Medicine theories, such as YinYang theory, Five element theory, Body meridian system, etc 该部分课程介绍基本的阴阳五行概念,即概述人体十二正经与奇经八脉。

  • QiGong basic for practitioner 推拿师气功练习

TuiNa do not rely on any equipment or herb. Therefore the TuiNa practitioner’s physical condition is considered as the tools for treatment. According to TCM traditions, TuiNa practitioners should know basic of QiGong to enhance their treatment results. Furthermore, QiGong practice itself will also help the practitioner maintain his own physical and mental health. 由于推拿疗法不借助任何工具与药品,所以推拿师自身的身体状态与健康层度会直接营销推 拿的疗效。

  • Meridian and acupuncture point for TuiNa 推拿常用经络与腧穴

Meridian and acupuncture point will be learned during the course. So that student can understand how TuiNa is different to other types of massage. This will also give student the confidence to treat some common health issue. 推拿之所以可以取得与中医针灸相似的疗效,是因为推拿与针灸的治疗方法都是基于人体经 络理论体系。传统推拿在人体筋经系统上更有着自身独到的见解。

  • TuiNa handwork technic 推拿手法

This part of the course will teach students the handwork technics in TuiNa. Over 30 TuiNa handwork technics will be teaching in this session. The student will learn how to choose between different Tuina technic according meridian and acupuncture point.
本部分课程介绍常用的 30 多种推拿手法,涵盖成人与幼儿推拿手法。同时还会教授学生根 基病症的虚实来选择不同推拿手法。

  • Clinical treatment with TuiNa 推拿临床

In this part of the course students will learn how to use TuiNa to treat common health issue such as Cold, Headache, Insomnia, Stiff Neck Back Pain, etc. Over 30 kind of common health issue’s treatment method will be provided in this course.
推拿临床部分课程教授学生 30 多种推拿治疗常见病方法,并进一步深入了解中医病机与经 络理论。

  • Self TuiNa 自我推拿

Self TuiNa will be taught in this course to enable student doing TuiNa for themselves and improve their own general health.

TuiNa course will contain 40 teaching hours

  •   TCM theory (4 hours)

  •   QiGong basic for practitioner (4 hours)

  •   Meridian and acupuncture point for TuiNa (4 hours)

  •   TuiNa handwork technic (12 hours)

  •   Clinical treatment with TuiNa (12 hours)

  •   Self TuiNa (4 hours)

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